Frequently Asked Questions


lot owners who have a question or concern regarding the Home Owner’s Association should email them to by clicking here.

are there Minimum square footage requirements?

The minimum square foot requirements in Aberdeen are as follows:

  • Section 1-3, 5 & 7-8: 2400 sq ft for a ranch, 2800 sq ft for a multilevel with 1600 on the main floor

  • Section 4: 1800 sq ft for a ranch, 2200 sq ft for a multilevel with 1400 on the main floor

what utilities are available?

Aberdeen has Bargersville water and sewers, Johnson County REMC electric service, Vectren gas, Comcast phones, and REMC fiber internet.

how much are the hoa dues?

The HOA fees are $1,500 per year.

Duke Homes has welcomed 6 other approved custom builders which have been vetted, have gone through an invitation and application process, and have committed to Aberdeen’s mission. A list of approved builders can be found on the Custom Homes page by clicking here.

can I bring my own builder?

do I have to build right away?

Aberdeen lot Purchase Agreements state that buyers need to start construction of their home within 18 months after the lot purchase.

It is important to determine the lot you want before beginning the design of your custom home, so that it can be master planned to fit just right.

You can reserve a lot in sections 1-8 at anytime by submitting a completed Lot Reservation form along with a refundable $5,000 deposit, just click here start the process. For more information,  Ask a Question by clicking here.

what is the building process?

Every home in Aberdeen will be a custom home and therefore no pricing will be available until the design process is underway for your home. However, with current labor/material costs in mind, homes will likely start in the $750,000+ range (excluding lot).

what will the homes cost in Aberdeen?

Homesite reservations for sections 1-8 in Aberdeen are currently open. The ribbon cutting ceremony was held in April of ‘19 with a grand opening block party in June of ‘19.

Currently, Section 1-7 homesites are available to build on. Later sections will be rolled out as the majority of the preceding sections are sold out. Join the waitlist for future phases by clicking here.

Planned amenities for Aberdeen include Aberdeen Farms, Lakeside Park & Sports Courts (2025), and a community building. Aberdeen Farms is operating with seasonal produce available for purchase. Aberdeen Farms’ event barn was completed in January 2024 with the farm market open for the 2024 growing season. Lakeside Park & Sports Courts are anticipated to be complete in 2024, with the community building planned once 200 lots have been sold.

What is the timeline for future sections and amenities in Aberdeen?

The guardhouse does not currently have a dedicated guard on duty. However, there will periodically be persons stationed in the guardhouse to help answer questions and monitor Aberdeen, such as Aberdeen’s Site Manager, who takes care of the grounds. The guardhouse does have electronic security measures including security cameras positioned to monitor activity coming in and out of the neighborhood.

Another use of the guardhouse will be for small programmed social activities and events.

Once there are 150 lot-owners in Aberdeen, we will again weigh the possibility of a dedicated guard stationed at the guardhouse.

will the guardhouse have a guard?

what kind of docks are allowed?

No dock, pier, wall or other structure may be extended into a pond without the prior written consent of the Aberdeen Architectural Control Committee [Article VIII]. The Committee has selected a specific dock to maintain aesthetic uniformity. This dock may be bought and installed through Aberdeen.

The recorded set of Covenants and Restrictions for Aberdeen can be accessed by clicking here. The Guidelines for Architectural Approval and Construction can be accessed by clicking here.

where can I find the Covenants and Restrictions and architectural guidelines?

Have a question not included above? Ask us your question by visiting our Contact page.